Saturday, February 9, 2013

Understanding 'Relationship'

Hi again! I'm so glad to see someone willingly participating in this discussion. As I have already discussed in my previous post, I'm thinking to build up this blog, step by step, deeper in to the topic of 'Relationship issues'. This is not a simple task I must say. Trying to address most of the areas covered under this topic is not easy for me. So if you ever get to find any faults or any facts that I have missed regarding the topic, please be kind enough to let me know and help me to produce a good output towards you all.

Today, by this post, I'm thinking to build up a good foundation for this blog. Since our topic is mainly concentrated around Relationship Issues and Solutions for them, there is this something that we all must understand first. And that special something would be, 'what does a relationship really mean?'  Do you have any idea about that?

Since the day you were born, you must have heard this term, ‘Relationship’ for thousands and thousands of times. But did you ever try to figure out what it really means? Sounds so simple and familiar, but defining in words, it's bit tricky right? We know that we can easily point out loads of examples where this term is used, such as 'parent-child' relationship, 'teacher-student' relationship, romantic relationship) and a lot more. But did you know that there is a proper definition for it?

Well, if you knew the definition, it’s good for you! But for all those other people who are not aware of it, I will try to simply define it like this...

A relationship is an agreement, or an association that is made between two or more people which may exist within a time period. And this time period may vary from brief to permanent.

Sounds bit complicated right? I know this is not the best definition for the term, but this does the job. Using this, I just want you to have an idea of what we're going to discuss in our future posts. By that, we get to know what we'll have to deal with then.

OK. Since we get to know the definition, now I am going to discuss datails some more further just to be sure that you get the perfect idea of the term 'Relationship'. I understand that, sometimes the above definition would have sounded a bit confusing for you. Because of that, now I am going to use an example and try to make it clear for you to understand. Now lets turn towards the definition; there it’s said that a relationship is a kind of an agreement or an association that is made between two or more right? Ok, lets understand that first.

When we talk about relationships, the first relationship that every living being get involved as soon as they were born is the 'Parent – Child relationship’. Now I'm going to use this relationship as the example and make you understand the concept given above. As to the definition, there must be at least two distinct individuals of entities to make such a relationship right? So what are those two options in ‘Parent – Child Relationship’? You can clearly understand that ‘Parent’ and ‘Child’ stand out to be those two different people. And now, about the ‘agreement or association’ part. Well we know that between parents and children, they actually do not sign in any legal contract or agreement at anytime in their lives. But we know that there is always this something between those two people right? Every time a mother dilivers a baby into this world, a mutual bond is made between those two persons. And it is the association (or agreement) that the definition was describing about.

Now we are left with this ‘time span’ detail of the definition we have to be clear with. It says that this association made between those two or more people will last for some time. And further, it is said that this duration may be a very short one or would be a very long one, which could even never end! I guess you might have already understood what it means by now. If we try to clarify this using the ‘Parent – Child relationship’, we know that that relationship it a permanent one. i.e. parent and child are bounded to each other with a mutual bond that will last as long as they live. It’s not possible for either child or a parent to end this relationship even if they want to. As you all know, Parent- Child relationship is even protected by the law. (This doesn’t concern about the foster parent – child relationship)

I guess now you are well aware of what a Relationship means. Sometimes you may feel that, this post does not hold any importance since most of you already had a good sense of what I was discussing about. If you ever felt so, I would like to apologize to you all for wasting your precious time. But the reason for doing this post was that, I really needed to mention all these details here because without understanding ‘Relationship’, it is useless for me to go forward and discuss about ‘Relationship Issues’ directly. I want all my readers to clearly understand and get a good feeling about what we are going to deal with through our future posts. Since I was determined to make this blog a ‘One Stop Solution for all Relationship Issues’, understanding and clarifying the term ‘Relationship’ held a great importance.

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